Dorthe Leth
life-counseling and guidance, workshops, meditation
Regenerative inner work for outer change
For you who search change and inner growth
You who want a deeper inner contact with your inner voice, wisdom, spirituality, your inner nature.
You who want to find your inner power, safety and life-creativity.
The authentic you
In this moment of time I am recovering from surgery. - That means I am still in the wintering mode ....
These days of wintering, I am
- working on new workshops, and being a part of the IDG, Inner Development Goal movement
- arranging more jin shin jyutsu workshops
- exploring new Territory for live workshops
- 2021/22, I participated on a leader development program InnerMBA, and joined Regenerative leadership program by Laura Storm
This was life changing good!
This year 23/24 I an honoured to be a part og the learning community leader team.

forthcoming events
ALL ACTIVITY IS PUT ON HOLD Because of my health issues
I Believe
- the only way out is in -
If you want to make a change in life, you have to start from within. Like the seed who grows from the inside and out.
walk my talk,
is my guideline for life. Being the change. Do my part to make us reconnect with ourselves, each other and nature
Therefor, I started the serious change within myself and my life 2020.
I did /do a lot of research on my own
Desember 2022 I finished a year long exiting journey at the Regenerators.Academy
Sommer 2022: 9 month study at the marvelous InnerMBA, a study created by Soundstrue, LinkedIn and Wisdom 2.0
2022 I stopped working with 1-1 clients on bench, to concentrate on other areas.

I have my own clinic for nearly 25 years, and have helped thousands.
I have a deep connection to nature, the universe and the spirit world,
I am a rosentherapist, healer, jin shin jyutsu teacher, massage therapist, life-facilitator, teacher, channel, heart person, buddhist and shaman.
But most of all I am there for you, your inner soul, energy and body.
I am passioned about making people rediscover their inner contact with nature and the logic of nature.
For me, this is the key to get a better life, to a compassion understanding of oneself and others. A way to discover ones potential and to flourish. It is a way to open up to your power, joy, presence, trust and love.
We are all a member of the family called nature.
But as humans, we have separated us, and constructed our own set of unnatural rules which we live by. If we want to save the world as we know it, save our selvs and fellow living beings, we need to return back and unite with our home, nature.
My tools
Drum journey a guided meditation
A powerful experience, you do not need any previous knowledge. We can do circles innside and outdoor. Every journey has its own life,. We travel into a specific theme. It is the group energy and the connection to nature, mother earth, who creates the flow of the journey.
I have worked with the drum for decades, doing drum circles,meditations, healing, inner spiritual guiding.
Get in touch and we can arrange a circle .

Individual session
Spiritual life-counselling and guidance
It will be based on your questions. It is an counselling energetic and spiritual level. I see and feel the energy and the circumstances around when you speak. I see in which condition your energies are. I will give you advice and "challenges" from what I sense and what comes to me by chaneling
This work has come to place after many years of experience, working with roen method, channeling, giving classes and spiritual counselling, and living a life with challenges. I have developed my capability to see and guide with respect, kindness compassion and honesty.
My work is also a result of my deep connection with nature and nature spirituality
zoom has given us new opportunities to be in contact.
I will guide you through a healing journey. We will have different journeys , an arrangement can last for some hours ( 2 - 6) or a weekend
I will use my shaman drum, Nepalese shaman bells, singing bowl etc....
I do Zazen , a zen buddhist meditation

Nature spiritual workshop
We will pick one theme that runs through the workshop.
During this day, we will work with meditation, inner journey, drumming, ceremonies and conversations. You are active participant in your own process, not just a spectator in ceremoniels. We create items, work in nature and with your spiritual awareness
A spiritual inner healing travel for you, together with mother earth.

"You cannot solve a problem with the same thought that made it" Einstein
It is us, humans, who destroy nature and environment with our way of thinking acting, and our idea of ownership of the land and nature
To solve the problems we can not do " business as usual" acting as superior colonialists.
We need to ask , listen and learn from the master ,
with 3.8 billion years of experience. Nature.
Just stop, open your senses, and let the inner you begin learning a new (old) way.
Jin shin jyutsu
This simple powerfull method for healing and self-healing, is origin from Japan, has been in Norway for 15 years. We have had workshops webinars self-help classes, zoom Q&A and 1-1 consultations.
it has been s success, where many people uses the method on a daily basis.
You are gently holding your hands on shown places. the energy will flow between in your body, opening and balancing the energy system.
we say we jumpercable, or give flows.
some examples om the pictures:
Do you have some stomach pain, are you very tense in your jaws, hard to let things go, pain in solar plexus? hold as shown on the picture at the right for 5 - 15 minutes, then the energy flow will open and find back to a relaxed balance.

Therapy and body work
for the last 25 years therapy and bodywork have been the core of my work.
I am "rosentherapist by heart" . This unique hands-on way to meet body and soul will stay with me for ever. My work has been complemented with other methods during the years,such as cranio-sacral, past life session, inner spiritual travelling, different energy work and healing
I am a healer and spiritual seer and clairvoyant
I have now developed my own personal approach. , as everyone else, working with therapy for many years
I work with the deepest places in the soul, contained, but by the body.
Client feedbacks are I have a special ability to uncover , see andpoint out, tell, ask, - to be spot on. That I have an ability to turn things upside down , respectfully. Help you see things from new angles. Make space for you and your prosess. Healing life
I see and hear the deepest hidden you.
I do not get scared, and meet you without judgement, no matter what story comes up into the open
I am here when life is painful, or you have failed to get the help you seek.
My purpose is to help you get your own contact with the inner force, truth, strength. I want to help you redeem, grow and flourish.
I am in a change. I do not give 1-1 treatmens in person anymore, but you can consult me via zoom.
I never thought I would say this, but working online, meeting you eye to eye online, is very powerfull. The energy from your inner is very clear to me this way. I these meetings you can get as good guidance as when I worked hands on with clients..
Designing life,
is a new project I am working on now.
Workshops, webinar, supervising, talks,
time will tell what emerges from here....
making a change into an organic way of inner life and leadership. you can call this for spiritual leadership
For now, the website is still only in Norwegian, but Google translate can help you there....
If you want a glance: Designing life

New good things appearing..........
I am engaged in an expanding volunteer movement for leaders, Inner development goals IDG
Inner development goals has more than 200 hubs in the world (2023)
A great worldwide initiative, sourced from FN Sustainable Development Goals, SDG
I have joined the Oslo hub, hosted by Awake AS, Oslo. A lot of exiting things are evolving from here

Inner Development Goal hub Oslo 10. mai 2023. Host: Awake AS
50 wonderful business-people at the IDG hub at PwC building in Oslo, joined me for a drum meditation on the theme trust.
(trust is a part of the 5 IDGoals see IDG here)
Even though my visit was a surprise, they opened up receiving the drum- vibes .
Many came afterwards and shared powerfull experiences, there was a lot of positive feedback . I am very greatful!
. Nature- spirituality are really getting its place now, also in the business world. That is so exiting and bring hope.
If this story inspire, I will gladly come to your place,- within reasonable distance from my home in Vikersund. Norway

Please reach out for more information or to make an appointment
+47 97515019
I would love to join at your place and do a drum meditation, workshop, or a speak,
please contact me, and we will sort something out