
I do different kind of workshops

You will see planned workshops on the front page

Nature spiritual workshops 

working with shamanistic tools, nature spirits and old wisdom

Tools for regenerative change

Nature laws and logic are the glow keeping ecosystems together and alive.

this is just a genius way developed from evolution through 3.8 billion years.

We will  explore how this live in us, how it lives in our relationship and communication with the rest of the world.

Open up for new natural way of thinking leadership

Drumming sessions

guided meditation with drumming. We travel into the inner spiritual world, healing the inter-connectedness between nature within and nature. Healing your spirit,

All between an hour and days of length

In these sessions, I have only a headline to start with. The session creates itself as we are on the journey

Jin shin jyutsu classes only in Norweigan.

for english speaking classes please visit